The general Konstantinos Opos
Los 3309
Konstantinos Opos, vestes, circa 3rd quarter 11th century. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 17.44 g, 12 h). MHP ΘV Nimbate Mother of God “Episkepsis”, raising both hands in prayer, medallion of Christ in front. Rev. +ΘKЄ / ROHΘЄI / TⲰ CⲰ ΔOV/ΛⲰ KⲰN R[Є]/CTH [TⲰ] O/ΠⲰ in six lines. Apparently unpublished. An important new seal type of a well known Byzantine general. Some scuffs and minor flatness, otherwise, very fine.

Konstantinos Opos is known from his seals as well as narrative sources. He was a notable general under the emperor Alexios Komnenos (1081–1118), commanding major battles against the Seljuk Turks and the Normans led by Robert Guiscard. By the end of Alexios' reign, Konstantinos had risen to the rank of protonobelissimos and was appointed grand doux, commander of the Byzantine navy. Previously, his cursus honorum was assumed to have started with the rank of vestarches ("first of the vestai"). However, our seal attests the hitherto unknown court dignity of vestes for Konstantinos, which dates it to the beginning of Konstantinos Opos' career.
75 CHF
280 CHF
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